25 Nov In transit towards the XXI CILA of Punta de Este
On 23rd, 24th, and 25th of November, interCILA 2021 was held virtually under the slogan “In transit to the XXI CILA in Punta de Este”, where all topics related to asphalt pavements were discussed, from their design to their subsequent execution, including performance tests, asphalt mixing and paving equipment, in situ or in-plant recycling, the environment, life cycle analysis and R&D activity in the sector.
In this event, there has been a session of R&D projects where the speakers have explained the projects that have an innovative technique and that are being developed in the CILA countries, including Spain. Within this session of R&D projects is the PAV-DT project carried out by BECSA and whose title is “Carrying out preventive maintenance by means of continuous pavement auscultation. PAV-DT project“.
PAV_DT is a novel, innovative and low-cost solution whose system aims to convert a conventional vehicle into a Class I vehicle with the ability to detect, locate and quantify existing pavement defects with high precision. In addition, the system can predict the evolution of pavement behavior in the future.
Events like this one are very interesting and important to keep up to date on the flooring and construction sector. The fact that many topics are covered gives a broader, more global and complete vision. BECSA is continuously working to provide innovative solutions to improve the road sector.